Cancer Words You Need to Know

Abnormal Growths/Irregular Growths

When you hear your doctor using these terms he or she could be discussing numerous things, from a polyp in your colon to a tumor. An unusual development can be benign, which is cancer-free. Or on the other hand it might be malignant, which means it has malignant growth cells or cancer cells. It can likewise be "precancerous" - it could transform into cancer.

Adjuvant Therapy

A treatment you have besides your main treatment to bring down the chances of cancer recurrence. In some cases, your specialist will prescribe something before your main treatment to help make it increasingly successful. That is called neoadjuvant treatment.

Angiogenesis Inhibitors

For cancer to develop and spread it needs a blood supply. These specially structured medications prevent fresh blood vessels from shaping and conveying blood to the tumor. The medications may not destroy the tumor, however they could prevent the disease from moving to different parts of your body.


A medication that counteracts nausea and regurgitating, the most common side effects of cancer treatment. Your specialist may endorse more than one medication. It's typically pills taken just previously or after your treatment. In case you're in the emergency clinic, you may get the drug directly into your vein.

Biologic Therapy

A treatment that uses a product produced using a living source, for example, human or animal cells or a microorganism. A few kinds attack and destroy  specific malignant growth cells. Others influence your immune system (revving it up or making it less dynamic) or ease some cancer symptoms. Biologic treatments incorporate immunotherapy, gene therapy, and certain targeted treatments.


Your specialist may arrange a test to search for specific substances in your blood, other body liquids, or tissues. What he is looking for are called biomarkers or tumor markers. They're typically made by cancer cells. They can enable your specialist to make sense of the best medicines for you, how you're reacting to treatment, or if your disease has spread or returned.


A little sample of tissue or cells your specialist takes from you to look it under a magnifying lens. He may utilize a needle (the size relies upon what some portion of your body is getting the biopsy) or a slim, adaptable cylinder intended to hold special tools. This procedure hurts very little since the doctor numbs the zone first


This kind of radiation treatment gets put inside or close to a cancerous tumor. Your specialist will utilize devices, for example, needles, seeds, or wires to put the radioactive material in the correct spot. You may likewise hear this methodology called implant or internal radiation treatment.

Carcinogen or Cancer-Causing Agent

A substance that can raise your chances of creating malignant growth. There are many. Tobacco smoke is one precedent. So are asbestos and bright daylight. The probability you will get malignant growth since you were around a cancer-causing agent relies upon various things, including to what extent you were in contact with it as well as your genes.


You've most likely known about this cancer treatment. It kills malignant growth cells or prevents them from developing utilizing very strong medication - one medication or a mix of them. You normally get "chemo" as an outpatient at an emergency clinic or center or in your specialist's office. It is typically infused, yet now and again chemo medications are swallowed or put onto your skin.

Clinical Trial

Specialists use research data to accumulate information about how new prescriptions or medicines work in specific groups of people. A few trials see how well better approaches for diagnosing or testing work. The studies can last several years, and they have very stringent controls.

Consolidation/Solidification Therapy

After you have completed your principle leukemia or lymphoma treatment and tests do not demonstrate any malignant growth in your body, your specialist may prescribe more treatment to kill any remaining cancer cells. Chemo and radiation are two instances of this.


The time between the beginning of one round of treatment, similar to chemotherapy, and the beginning of the following round. The break gives your body a chance to rest and recoup.

"- ectomy"

A word that ends with "- ectomy" alludes to a medical procedure that takes out a few or the majority of a body part. For instance, in a mastectomy, the specialist expels the breast tissue. An oophorectomy takes out an ovary. A nephrectomy expels a kidney. As a disease treatment the specialist will evacuate malignant cells alongside a few or the majority of the body part.


A portrayal of how a tumor looks under a magnifying instrument. This will give your specialist a thought of how rapidly the tumor may develop and spread. That, thus, encourages him plan your treatment. Low grade implies the cells have changes that recommend they are moderately developing. High-grade tumors may spread all the more rapidly. Various malignant growths have diverse reviewing frameworks.

Hormone Therapy

A few malignant growths, similar to breast or prostate disease, need certain hormones to develop. This treatment obstructs those hormones or changes the manner in which they act in your body. It might moderate or prevent malignancy from spreading, facilitate your side effects, or help keep the disease from returning. It is typically utilized with different medicines. You may get infusions or take pills at home, in your specialist's office, or at a facility or at an emergency clinic.


This conventional term alludes to a few tests that take photos of your body's organs and structures. One model is a mammogram, which uses X-rays to search for breast disease. Different advancements utilize a magnetic field or radio waves. Tests incorporate CT, MRI, PET scan, and ultrasound.


The way of administering a dose of chemotherapy, which can last for hours. The medications for the most part go directly into a vein. So you do not  need to get stuck with needles again and again, you will most likely get a flexible tube called a catheter put through your skin, or a little circle called a port put under your skin. These connect to an IV tube. They will not be taken out until your treatment is finished.


Swelling in your arms or legs can happen when liquid develops. It's conceivable after your lymph nodes are harmed or expelled as a component of your malignant growth treatment. Lymphedema cannot be restored; however you can find a way to manage it


At certain instances the cancer spreads starting with one part of the body and then onto the next. For example, disease that began in the lung can spread, or metastasize, to the liver, bones, or cerebrum. Those malignant cells will be equivalent to the ones in the lung, not like the cells that began in the new body part.

Monoclonal Antibodies

These medications utilize your immune system to battle malignant growth. They tie to the outside of disease cells or explicit immune system cells so your body can complete a better job of finding and ceasing the malignant growth. They can likewise support radiation and chemo medications target malignant growth cells and maintain a strategic distance from the healthy cells.


A condition where your body does not have enough disease-fighting white blood cells or platelets. It very well may be a symptom of the cancer treatment you receive for the malignant growth.


This nerve issue causes tingling, numbness, weakness or swelling. It for the most part begins in your arms and legs. Malignancy treatment or the disease itself can expedite it. (So can be diabetes and different sicknesses, diseases, and wounds.)

"- oma"

The word end with "- oma" signifies tumor or swelling, and the initial segment of the word discloses to you what sort of cell it is in. For instance, carcinoma is a malignant growth that begins in your skin or the covering of your organs. Sarcomas start in connective tissue like bone, fat, and veins. Lymphoma and myeloma are malignant growth in your immune system. Glioblastoma is a tumor in the central nervous system.


Is a general term used in the field of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Cancer specialists are called oncologists. They may have expertise in various approaches to treat cancer.

Palliative Therapy

An arrangement of support and comfort to improve your way of life. It unites specialists in various fields to assist you with pain and symptom management, and the mental , emotional, and spiritual effects of cancer. It can start when you are diagnosed and proceed all through your treatment, as well as afterward and if the malignant growth returns. It likewise incorporates end-of-life care.


An itemized arrangement for treatment dependent on rules acknowledged by specialists. "Protocol " could likewise allude to a clinical trial. All things considered, it will outline things like who is qualified, how information will be gathered, and the objectives of the investigation.

Radiation Therapy

This regular treatment utilizes energy like X-rays and gamma rays to kill malignant cells or shield them from developing. Sometimes a machine will coordinate radiation from outside your body toward the malignant growth. Or on the other hand your specialist may put radioactive needles, seeds, or wires inside you close to the malignant growth. You could get radiation as your solitary treatment or as a major aspect of a treatment plan with different treatments.


The side effects of cancer have vanished, and your tests are negative. It does not mean you are completely healed of your cancer, the cancer may still be in your system, and it could return. Remission can be partial or complete, contingent upon whether all traces of cancer have gone.


A way specialists depict your malignant growth. It depends on things like:

The malignant growth's area and size

The sort of cell influenced

The grade or how unusual it looks

Regardless of whether it has spread to lymph nodes or different organs

Various cancers have distinctive staging systems.


An irregular mass of tissue or swelling. Your specialist may likewise consider it a "neoplasm." Not all tumors are cancerous.

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